Video Marketing Strategy Consultation.

In this workshop, we’ll help you identify your goals, your ideal client, ways to scale your marketing, and how video and other strategies can be implemented.

Giving you a strategy you can start implementing straight away.

A roadmap before you commit.

Before committing to ANY kind of marketing, you should have a plan in place.

Otherwise you’re basically throwing stuff at the wall and seeing if it sticks.
Ultimately wasting a lot of money along the way.

So how helpful would a document be that shows you what videos, strategies and tactics to try, to help achieve your marketing and growth goals.

No sales pitch, no future commitment.....
Just value!

The purpose of this workshop, is to help you and your team develop your strategies.
Give you actionable steps.
Video concepts you can start to implement.
& have a roadmap on the best ways to use them.

Whether you go forward with them in-house, with another video company or with us, we really don’t mind.

This will purely be to analyse where you are, where you want to be, and most importantly ways to help you get there. 

Do you want to find out if you're a good fit,
or hear more about what's included?